Band of the Week: Narrow Head

We’re bringing back some of the regular posts here on the website in addition to our social media. This week’s chosen band of the week is Narrow Head.

An American rock band from Texas, Narrow Head was formed by lead vocalist, Jacob Duarte in 2013. By 2016, they released their first album, Satisfaction, in 2016. The album was rife with heavy, pulsating guitars on songs like “Necrosis,” “Cool In Motion,” and “Paranoid Hands.”

The band followed up with 12th House Rock in 2020, releasing the single, “Bulma.”

Now we get to enjoy their latest album, Moments of Clarity, in February of this year. The first single on the album, “Caroline,” is a more mellow, dreamy composition that still incorporates some of the heavier guitar riffs we’ve grown to expect positioned against ethereal lyrics and vocals.

The album maintains the same simplistic feeling as some of the classics from the 90’s alt and grunge scene thanks to Sonny DiPerri(NIN, My Bloody Valentine), who mixed the album.

Enjoy Caroline here

Check out Narrow Head in Spotify

Brittany Berliere